
Junk Store Finds

pistacia On the weekend Bryan dragged me to Canning to what he described as the "best record store ever!"

He wasn't lying. Not only was it a fabulous record store - I got 2 Kate Bush albums, several David Bowie, Rolling Stones and much, much more..... too much in fact.

In addition to the albums, the fellas there have a nice selection of vintage toys, knick knacks and housewares. My moment of joy came when I found an old rotating postcard rack.
Even more joy was to be had when I got home and loaded it with my cards - what a beauty eh?

I wish I had the name of the store to share, but luckily Canning is quite small, so if you happen to pop through for a visit, it won't take you long to find it and all the treasures it houses. Enjoy!


Dragons, lizards and other creatures with scales

woodland woolWell the countdown to the Halifax Crafters Spring Fling is on! I've been extra busy lately preparing new stock for "Woodland Wool" and "Pretty Things" (official launch is in two weeks!!!)

Being a bit of a girly girl I tend to lean towards more feminine projects - so I'm trying to get out of my comfort zone and experiment with some new critters!

Here is one of my lizard dudes who I'm absolutely in love with. I'm just crazy about his fluffy black and brown mohawk, he's too cool for school!

Wish I could chat more, but there's much crafting to be done.

If you're in Halifax the weekend of April 17th & 18th be sure to pay me and the Halifax Crafters gang a visit at Olypmic Gardens on the corner of Hunter Street and Cornwallis.

Look forward to seeing you all there!