
Long Winter Nights

Peajack, part of Piece by Piece, 2018
I've been so incredibly busy this past year I realize now that I entirely forgot to share the art society's most recent group show at the Bread Gallery, Long Winter Nights

With a last minute change we found we had some extra wall space to fill, so I brought in a few selections from my collection, Piece by Piece, and a couple of other not for sale works, which included a preview from my new collection, Adapt.

Honestly, 2018 was such a roller coaster and at some point I'd like to  sit down and, even in point form, list off the intense changes that took place from month to month. 

Just a few days ago Facebook presented me with the anniversary of my Octobaby dream, which really stuck with me at the time, coming back to me over and over again, so haunting that after several months I needed to felt it out! This led to a wacky piece revealing that I had far too many balls in the air and I needed to severe off a few of my attachments that were no longer propelling me forward, only draining my focus.

So that is what I did, I cut many things loose last year, and what a relief it was!

Detail of Octobaby, 2018
Funny enough, I may have even more balls up in the air at this moment and devoting time to me, as an artist and a business (especially this part), just isn't happening - but it is totally ok! 

In September I hit a glorious well of creativity, and the art just free flowed out of me for months - it was amazing, I learned and grew so much. 

Now though, I need to focus on earning some cash to help make up for the 3 solid months of deep emersion (read: not making $ only making art).

Luckily my winter project is really quite creative and interesting (can't wait to share!) and it's been nice to step back and look at my artistic practice with a wider lens. With that being said, I suck at keeping up with the digital world, blogging especially. Sorry about that. I'm going to try and make more of an effort. I've got a lot to tell you about.

Until then, sorry if you missed the show. The next one will most likely be the 21st Great Little Art Show, opening on May 3rd at the museum in Avondale. I have already completed my work for this show (this is a first, usually I'm still framing the day of) and I can't wait to see everyone's response to my series of portraits (yes - portraits!) of a few of my favourite stewards for our beautiful community.

Long Winter Nights, upper studio of the Bread Gallery, December 2018
Long Winter Nights, main gallery of the Bread Gallery, December 2018