
and then it was summer

well after days and days of rain the sun has finally returned - the city feel like the valley... and I can't even imagine what the valley is going to be like after all the moisture. I'm sure my garden will be glorious... but I'm also well aware of the amount of insects to have been birthed since the sun returned...not sure that my mint leaves are going to be enough of a deterrent while I tackle all the new weeding.

Spring, it was nice having you around, till the next time my friend


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Human Rights

I've been asked to collaborate on the Family SOS and Commonwealth Organization of Social Workers websites and in turn became inspired to do a cut-up for myself... and the world

here's my prayer for the universe

I wish for everyone to open their consciousness and accept we are all connected

every answer is inside of you if you choose to really listen

go ahead and create your own beautiful, loving and magical destiny, it's your human right


30... 31

Finally finished the 30th year of my life.... actually it would be the 31st... but you know how our counting birthdays system goes... so anyway I just finished the oddest year I've had in a very long time. The year both started and ended in tears... tears ironically stemming over my despair in feeling responsible for others feelings.

But you say... you're only responsible for your own happiness Tacha - and I know this, and practice this... and even sometimes make others jealous - because I know how to be happy... and perhaps because of this I get others feeding off me emotionally.

This only child somehow collected quite the extended family over the years... and as much as they differ, they all share childhoods where little to no love was expressed - leaving these wounded children to grow - and eventually become my wounded parents.

These are the only parents I've ever known, and I've always had quite the ability to understand them, and their pain, and forgive all their mistakes along the way. But, here, a year after their celebration of their having raised a 30 year old child, I'm ready to reclaim my own success. They may have served the roles of parent - but it seems I do a hell of a lot of parenting of my own.... and I've made a lot of good decisions on my own, and have taken myself down a wonderful path - and I'm going to go ahead and take a good chunk of the credit for that myself.

So, after a few emotional days, I'm embracing 31 and the brand new world it represents. I'm going after my absolute dream life, and if my parents choose to be afraid of what "might" happen, well they can go ahead. I choose not to be afraid - why on earth would I let fear eat my energy, that's just sad... and why be sad, when you can be happy?


Cheers to Collideascope!

I just got a note from Director Larry Jacobs - Johnny Test 3 won an ACT award last night for best over all series in all categories.. including live action!!!

Cheers to all my fellow colleagues at Collideascope Digital Productions in Halifax, Nova Scotia.


I'm so proud of us all - we all worked so hard, yet it was an absolute delight to go to work everyday - and it's so great that even after all this time everyone's hard work is still getting recognized - CONGRATS EVERYONE!!!

(to the left is some fan art of my favorite character on the series, Mary. I knew Johnny Test was going to be a great project to work on the moment I read the first script and realized that Johnny's twin sisters were named Mary and Susan... the same names my best friend and I had used as alias' when we were younger)

best is yet to come

One of my anthems in life, I've sung this to myself almost as many times as I've sung "down from the tree of life I just picked me a plum..." or "one of these days you're going to wake up singing..."

thanks for your words Michelle