
The "BOOK"

Back in the spring I had an idea to start a collaborative book that would travel around Canada, from Artist to Artist, several times. Initially we would each have a week with the book until we mailed it off to the next participant. Well, unfortunately, when it came time for my second turn the book arrived just a few days before I moved to the country. Soooo.... the book got packed.

Moving was quite an ordeal for me. I left my cozy three bedrooms in the city and all my worldly possessions got crammed into Bryan's garage. It's taken me some time to sort through all my boxes, unpacking my art supplies first and then finally after nearly 6 weeks I found the box with the precious book in it.

So sheepishly I have added my second contribution to the package and sent the book back on its journey. I'm sure the others have forgotten about the project by now.

Here is the first round of art contributed by myself, Justin Nieuwland, Julie Chiasson, Scott MacDonald and Dan Springer.

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