I only have one more cut-up to go before the Pretty Things colouring book is done! I'm really happy with how it's coming together.
You'll have to sit tight and wait for the final product before you see the finished version of this piece... but for now, here's a taste to help get you as excited as me!
Well I must move on to my other project, a felted piece about oil, whales and trying to save humanity - "Serious Sirius"
So 'till then, may your creative juices flow freely and be sure to get out there and say hello to the sun!
Over the last year I have been looking to science to help confirm my instincts of what is going on on this planet. Thanks to the universal language of the internet I've come across a wealth of knowledge that has helped to prove a lot of my suspicions.
During my hunt I came across musician John Boswell and his fantastic video tributes to some of our great scientific minds. Combining found clips and altering the audio, John weaves together the most melodic tunes making science down right dreamy. One of John's early videos in his Symphony of Science series called "We are all Connected" inspired me to do my own tribute to a few of my favorite wise guys David Suzuki, David Icke, Edgar Cayce, Carl Sagan and their ideas on our near future.
I'm hoping that John will create a tribute to include Canada's very own protector of Nature himself - David Suzuki! Most of us Canadians grew up watching David on "The Nature of Things" and have hopefully developed a deep rooted respect thanks to the knowledge he passed on.
As I continue on my quest for knowledge I will expand my Wise Guys Collection, until then postcards bearing the first round of "Wise Guys" portraits are currently available on Etsy.
The countdown is on for "Pretty Things" OFFICIAL Launch party!
I'm just too excited about this, so much that I really can't wait for July 10th to come and have been slowly leaking "Pretty Things" items into Love, Me Boutique. http://lovemeboutique.wordpress.com
This weeks sneak peak is a small selection of wool and feather earrings.
These super light weight beauties really work double time, since each one is completely reversible!
Just slip out the shepherd's hook and reinsert into the felted ball, rotating to show off which ever way you're feeling at the moment.
Each earring is a complete original!
The Combination of a variety of dyed feathers and natural wools makes for one funky natural product.
Available in a wide range of colours and styles, we have an earring for everyone!
In case you missed it here is a quick look at the 4th Annual Festival of Art showcasing the works of members of the Hants County Art Council.
I was pleased as punch to sell the very first piece on opening night.
"Use your Crazy for Good" was my last minute entry - the piece practically made itself!
With this piece I let my hands do the work and ended up with a very funky Picasso ispired portrait that I'm sure looks smashing in its new home upon the walls of a Windsor dwelling.
I'm already planning my first piece for next years show.