
Wise Guys

Over the last year I have been looking to science to help confirm my instincts of what is going on on this planet. Thanks to the universal language of the internet I've come across a wealth of knowledge that has helped to prove a lot of my suspicions.

During my hunt I came across musician John Boswell and his fantastic video tributes to some of our great scientific minds. Combining found clips and altering the audio, John weaves together the most melodic tunes making science down right dreamy. One of John's early videos in his Symphony of Science series called  "We are all Connected" inspired me to do my own tribute to a few of my favorite wise guys David Suzuki, David Icke, Edgar Cayce, Carl Sagan and their ideas on our near future.

I'm hoping that John will create a tribute to include Canada's very own protector of Nature himself - David Suzuki!  Most of us Canadians grew up watching David on "The Nature of Things" and have hopefully developed a deep rooted respect thanks to the knowledge he passed on.

As I continue on my quest for knowledge I will expand my Wise Guys Collection, until then postcards bearing the first round of "Wise Guys" portraits are currently available on Etsy.


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