
Sneak Peek of Pre-Shrunk 2014

The Whole World is my Home 
I know I told you all that the Halifax Crafters Two if by Sea pop-up show was going to be my first of the year, but I guess I spoke too soon! 

Starting next Friday you will find five of my mini feltscapes alongside a few hundred other pre-shrunk artworks as a part of Argyle Fine Art's annual Pre-shrunk show.

Day is Done

How does your garden grow?

Just Another Page
Argyle Fine Art is one of Halifax's most progressive galleries, representing a unique variety of contemporary art by established and emerging Canadian artists. 

Their collection includes paintings, drawings, limited edition prints, fibre, sculpture and photography.

I'm just thrilled to be a part of this showcase and I hope to see a few familiar faces during the opening reception on Friday January 24th from 7-9pm.

Until then I hope you enjoy these little sneak peek close-ups.... you will have to make your way to down-town Halifax to see them in their entirety.

Follow Your Nose!
Argyle Fine Art
1559 Barrington Street
Halifax, NS, B3J 2Z7
www.argylefineart.com www.argylefineart.blogspot.com


Here's to 2014!

It's finally here! I have been waiting for 2014 since 1987. For some reason 1987 felt like a pretty special sequence of numbers and therefore had to mean something important... right? Well my 9 year old self thought so... so as I was mulling over when the next really interesting sequence of numbers would occur I came to 2014 (probably because my birthday is on the 14th) and I decided that my 36th year of life was going to be pretty damn special because it was going to take place in 2014.

Artisan in Action!
I'm constantly impressed by the dreams of my childhood self and how many of them have come through to fruition. I guess that's what happens when you put yourself in the hands of fate and just go with the flow.... it takes you exactly where you need to be!

The past year has been absolutely serendipitous! In January I really had no idea what I was going to do with myself. After the 2012 craft season (and the lack of occurrence of the Apocalypse) I decided that Flying Cloud was going into permanent hibernation and I was going to have to find some other form of supplemental income... so I dusted off my hard drive and dug up my resume and after over 4 years of updates I began my search. 
It didn't take me long to remember just how awful it is trying to find decent work in a place as small as Nova Scotia. We only have one city.... and chances are that the positions you're most suited to are already filled by equally skilled folks. After months of desperation I settled on a potion as a traveling home care worker. I tried to be optimistic about the new change... but then I started to think about the people I would meet... I knew I'd no doubt form bonds with them, and then eventually, due to the fact that they were elderly, they would pass on. The thought of this unfortunate side effect of the job brought me to tears.

Silver Cove; my submission
to "Winterscene" at Swoon
Luckily the Universe brought Bryan and I together several years ago; someone who seems to know me better than I know myself. Knowing how important it is to find happiness in your employment, Bryan told me not to worry, he'd make sure we were okay and I should keep on looking until the right thing came along.

With the pressure off I threw myself into my art and I began hooking and felting like mad making art for the Hants County Arts Council Annual Group Showcase at the Bread Gallery in Brooklyn, the 15th Annual Great Little Art Show at the Avon River Heritage SocietyMuseum in Avondale and “Winterscene” a group showcase at Swoon in Hammonds Plain.

I was also keeping myself busy volunteering with the arts council to produce their 2013 Arts Digest; a list of members, studios, galleries and art associations in the area. While compiling local events I had a very saddening conversation with Heather Desveaux, the secretary for the ARHS, and she informed me that due to a lack of volunteers their board was considering cancelling the 2013 Great Little Art Show.

Well Heather and I were not going to let that happen! First things first I called painter Kelly Mitchelmore, the force behind Paint Windsor, and after some brain storming we vowed that between us all we were going to make sure this event took place – especially since we had both been creating work specifically for the show! After a few more phone calls, emails and meetings the HCAC board and the ARHS board joined forces to pull off our first of what surprisingly would be many events in 2013!

15th Annual Great Little Art Show
While gallery sitting at the GLAS I decided to work on some critters for the Halifax Crafters Show... which would be taking place the following weekend! While working a reporter from the Hants Journal stopped by, quickly interviewing me and snapping my photo. Later that week I received a phone call from my father who, while shopping at the grocery store, looked down surprised to see my face plastered on the front of the paper! He quickly purchased a copy and then made his way around Windsor showing it off to everyone announcing “this is my beautiful daughter!” The following week turned into one of the proudest weeks off my life so far!

As if appearing in the paper wasn't enough to make a girl feel special, the next Saturday, as I was adding the finishing touches to my booth at the Crafters show, Ted from Ravenview Art and Craft came up and announced “I hope you brought more sloths than that – everyone is going to want one after the video!”

I had no idea what he was talking about, and it wasn't until after my single most successful day at a craft show ever, that I finally got to sit down and watch the Global news clip Ted and everyone else had been talking about. I couldn't believe it! After Leslie Ann, one of the board members for Halifax Crafters, did her little spiel of who we are and what we do, they started a slide show of some of the images we the crafters had submitted... the very first image in the sequence was of my sloths, which received squeals from the news anchors – then – the second image is the one which graces the top of my blog, my in progress shot of a fox rug hooking! 

Gosh, I REALLY felt like something special after seeing that! 

 On day two of the show things just seemed to get better, the lovely gals from Woozles sang my praise and asked to carry my sloths and then Andrea from Inkwell Modern Handmade Boutique came by looking to carry my cats, owls and foxes!

Throughout May I worked away on a few pieces for a show at Tan Coffee in Windsor, “A Piece of the Scenery” along with painter Liz Robinson. 

Before I even had a chance to start thinking “what am I going to do for summer employment” I received a call from Heather – would I like to take on managing the Planters Sea Chest Gift Shop at the ARHS Museum? 

Would I??? 

I couldn't have asked for a better job - YES, YES, YES! 

I hadn't yet officially announced to my vendors that Flying Cloud would not be re-opening for the season, so the news of my new employment was a great way to both soften the blow while creating an opportunity for the museum to absorb some fantastic Nova Scotain handmade products – win/win!

Feeling at home in the cafe!
It didn't take me long to settle in at the museum and several friends commented that it seemed like I had always been there. Since I was already “holding the fort” I encouraged the ARHS board to collaborate with the HCAC and extend their one day “Heritage Artisans in Action” event to take place most every Sunday throughout the season. 
In addition to the gift shop, the museum also houses the Sally and Lydia cafe, which in the past had been run by various volunteers in the community. Much like the GLAS, these volunteers had served their time and were no longer interested in taking on the daily operations of the quaint little restaurant with the best view in town. So, not already having enough on my plate, I did up a menu and a budget and offered to take on the challenge myself; serving up my Grammy's famous haddock chowder and my step-mom's equally famous salsa!

This past summer at the museum was one of the best I've had in a while. Though the HAiA events I was introduced to many new Nova Scotian artists, in turn building wonderful friendships. Through the cafe and gift shop I learned a great deal about the history of the Avon Valley area and I now have an increased sense of pride for the place I have chosen to call home.

My table at Pop Expo!
After a whirlwind of a summer I jumped feet first into craft season with back to back shows. I started with Paint Windsor one weekend followed by a Halifax Crafters pop-up show at the Two if by Sea cafe in Dartmouth the following. A few weeks later I participated in the Craft Expo at Halifax Pop Explosion and before I knew it it was once again time for the HCAC's annual Harvest Festival of Art. Next came the Acadia Christmas Craft Expo, where I was lucky enough to win a free booth for 2014, and then after a few weeks break, and solid days of production, I finished off the season participating in the Small Works Group Show at the Bread Gallery, the Halifax Crafters Winter Show, the Last Minute Craft Show and I completed a handful of custom orders. 

Thank goodness for the Christmas holidays and New Years or I might not have taken off any time from production!
So, there you have it, that was 2013.... and 2014 is shaping up to be even better! So far this year I have already hooked one rug to submit to Swoon's winter group show and created 6 mini feltscapes, some off which will hopefully appear in Argyle Fine Art's annual Pre-shrunk show. Speaking of Argyle Art, they have also asked me to participate in their Cat Show next month! My wheels are just a tunrnin' for that one!

The shows are already lining up with both Halifax Crafters and the HCAC Bread Gallery show taking place next month and the GLAS returning in May! We also have plans to extend the museum season from May through October with 5 Artisans in Action Events! Oh, did I mention the HCAC is moving into the museum in March? Thanks to new funding being made available for collaborations between Arts Councils and Museums through the department of Communities, Culture and Heritage the HCAC plans to not only take on the production of the ARHS' regular events but we want to make the most of our new permanent home and we are currently brainstorming ways to make the best use of our new space; organizing open studio days, hooking and knitting circles and other other opportunities for our members to get together and share ideas and create!

The Avon River Heritage Society Museum in Avondale
I'm so excited about this year – and I'm a little scared.My to-do list is already quite lengthy!

Just yesterday I typed out the calendar for the arts council for the entire year and now I need to start my own, I already have so many dates to add! You know, it's kinda great to have a schedule again – especially when it's of my own creation. 

Thank you Universe for letting me be me - and here's to 2014!


Just one of the many places you will find me this year! So many great shows planned - so many projects planned! Here's to 2014!