
Sneak Peek of Pre-Shrunk 2014

The Whole World is my Home 
I know I told you all that the Halifax Crafters Two if by Sea pop-up show was going to be my first of the year, but I guess I spoke too soon! 

Starting next Friday you will find five of my mini feltscapes alongside a few hundred other pre-shrunk artworks as a part of Argyle Fine Art's annual Pre-shrunk show.

Day is Done

How does your garden grow?

Just Another Page
Argyle Fine Art is one of Halifax's most progressive galleries, representing a unique variety of contemporary art by established and emerging Canadian artists. 

Their collection includes paintings, drawings, limited edition prints, fibre, sculpture and photography.

I'm just thrilled to be a part of this showcase and I hope to see a few familiar faces during the opening reception on Friday January 24th from 7-9pm.

Until then I hope you enjoy these little sneak peek close-ups.... you will have to make your way to down-town Halifax to see them in their entirety.

Follow Your Nose!
Argyle Fine Art
1559 Barrington Street
Halifax, NS, B3J 2Z7
www.argylefineart.com www.argylefineart.blogspot.com

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