
Art Collaboration

In the spring I came up with the idea of starting an Artist book with my old NSCAD partner in crime, Julie Chiasson. Back in my art school days Julie and I would pair up on photo projects, choosing a theme and then both shoot accordingly.

I credit Julie with introducing me to public art, it was our collaborations that led me to my regular postering that I continue to this day.

It's been a long time since art school, Julie and I now live on opposite sides of the country, but we still both have a strong desire to collaborate. So, with this in mind, I decided that we should bring together a few talented folks and make a book!

I managed to rope in the extremely talented Scott MacDonald and Justin Neiuwland and Julie connected with Artist Dan Springer - together the five of us started a project that will take us the next year or so to complete.

We started with a very loose inspirational theme of evolution, then each of us have a week (which has seemed to be more like 3 weeks) to submit a piece then forward on to the next Artist. By the time we finish the book it will have made the circle around Canada 5 times before being bound and then circling a 6th time as it makes it's way from gallery to gallery exhibiting the end result.

The book has just made it's first trip around the country making it's way back to me. I'm really, really thrilled with the collection of art so far. Each of us has a very different and distinct style.
This book really is going to be something special.

Here's a taste of one of the pieces, "Licorice and Chamomile under the Coffee Tree" by Justin.

More to come soon!

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