
movin' to the country, gonna eat me a lot of peaches

the countdown is on
Saturday I move to the country

I've gone through a huge pile of thoughts and emotions the last while

finally accepting that next brave step that represents adulthood

something I'd dreamt of for years and years, until I grew older and was "taught" dreams weren't all that possible after all

poo on you I say, poo on you

dreams only become impossible when you let yourself believe such a lie could actually be true

that's easy for us being humans n' all

we sure learn to believe a hell of a lot of lies as we grow

(as I was packing I found my journal from when I was 16 - I wouldn't want to be 16 again for all the world, especially in this day in age)

so here I am now
in that exact moment of life
I so clearly pictured for myself
when I was a very young & naive version of me

I did my cards last Friday
I'd been putting it off
scared off by the constant chatter of my brain trying it's damnest to second guess me

each card brought me such joy

I'm following my destiny
there's no doubt about it

being the best version of me I can be

love, love, love

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