
Gravity Rides Everything

Inside my journal from when I was 21 I found a cut-up I did of a photo I took after creating a series of boob prints.

One of these prints, the left boob, still hangs above our bed. The other dons a wall in the new home of my old roommate, the soon to be Mrs. MacDonald. I've always wondered just how many people have actually seen my breasts?

After I did this cut up I hid it away due to the fact that my breast looked, well... wall-eyed and certainly not their best to say the least.

10 years later I'm just happy to have found the image again. Also I realize just how true it is - gravity really does ride everything.


Justosaurus said...

I haven't seen your breasts...........

Tacha Reed said...

well now you have.... well, sorta :)