

I keep floating back and forth between big and little feltscapes... when the big one gets a little over whelming I take a day off and start something small.

This week I've been incredibly productive. Last Saturday I woke up and went to work on adding the finishing touches to my last piece for the Hants County Arts Council's Annual Group Showcase at the Bread Gallery in Brooklyn. This was our first time hosting an opening in the afternoon and I think it's safe to say it was very successful with many new and familiar faces attending the opening.

For me the highlight of the afternoon was receiving a giant shopping bag of wool from fellow fibre artist Rose Marie MacDonald. 

Did I mention I had mistaken the deadline for the Swoon group show and it was also February the 15th... so not only did I wake up felting, I finished out the weekend hooking (Brandt the sweetheart gave me a days extension). 

I don't think it was even 4 hours before I finally had the chance to go through Marie's bag of goodies. Within a few minutes of exploring I was back at it, completely inspired to make use of my new found fibre bounty!
Mister checking out my new bag of loot from Marie!

Since I was quite low on many a shade of roving (almost out of blues entirely) I decided to make use of what I did have - black and a lovely lapis lazuli blend by the Uber Wench.

I experimented by starting with the shadows and slowly built up my night sky. I have a habit of starting a piece by working upside down and putting my sky in on the bottom, and then eventually I flip it. I wasn't long into this piece before I decided not to flip my canvas and my dark sky became a wild ocean.

At one point I was going to add white caps but I resisted, and Bryan kept me from adding a fish. With every piece I create I like to live with it for a little while. As I got used to my fishing boat I decided to get past my urge for white caps and giant jumping fish and I made a little "Big Tuna".

The last few days I've been working on a feltscape inspired by the latest handbill for the Bread Gallery, also a Carol Morrison original. Hopefully my 3-D wall hanging will be a fitting tribute to this beauty! This piece will no doubt make an appearance at the 16th annual Great Little Art Show, May 9th - 11th, at the Avon River Heritage Society Museum in Newport Landing, NS.

This showcase features work by myself, Carol Morrison, G. A. Jank
and nearly 20 other members of the Hants County Arts Council.
Getting ready to stitch on the foreground of my latest 3-D feltscape ,
inspired once again by the plien air paintings of Carol Morrison.


Sometime I just need to sit beside the piece in low light
and map out where I'm going to put the next layers

I'll keep you posted on my progress...

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