
Highway 101 - 121208

I was born in Middleton, but didn't stay there too long. We lived in Paradise, Edmonton, somewhere in Mass. state, back to the valley to Wolfville then Port Williams and finally, two weeks before grade primary started, we moved to Halifax.

I spent many years there after commuting via Acadian Lines to my grandparents in Nictaux Falls.

The white gypsum cliffs in St Croix were the first landmark on the journey back to country, to nature. I would drive by picturing the earths plates shaking and cracking... eventually snapping and flying away from the other side as the earth took a giant growth spurt. I saw these cliffs as a shrine to the history of the land, of Nova Scotia.

Last spring I noticed that the cliff to the right as you approach the hill had been shaved nearly bald. Such an odd site. The vertical forest left to nothing but stumps and dirt. A pain squeezed deep in me, another reminder that the past can only exist in the past and sometimes when things change they can never, ever go back.

They began digging that cliff down last week. Piles of red mud are now spreading over the grass fields. I did however notice last night that they hit gypsum while digging. I'm hoping they will make up for defacing my beloved shrine by adding a new one, even closer to the highway for all to see.


Coming soon - like really soon - YES!+ Calendar!


so sad

this morning on our way into the city I saw that the workers had really made some way the last few days...

If the weather keeps up that lovely line of snow will be a fertile pile of red mud by the end of next week

This time next year commuters will be whizzing by emitting noxious fumes at even a greater rate



Primary Colours

Here is the missing shot from my Primary Colour triptych. I took this on the way home from the craft show in Chester Basin... where I made a whopping 50 cents (Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and "Boobies are Beautiful" postcards). Chester and Chester Basin are two very different places, it certainly was a learning experience.... none the less it was an awesome day, but on the way home I noticed they had clear cut the bank that runs along the gypsum cliffs in St Croix to make way for the double lane of the highway. Sadly this landscape will only look like this a few more days, another constant in life fades away.


Calendars now on Etsy!

My 2009 Calendar
"my heroes have always had slick tongues" is now available for sale at my Etsy store! www.pistacia.etsy.com


is all about the firsts

well I did my first craft show ever, hopefully to be the first of many, on Saturday - and it was quite the satisfying experience. I was actually surprised by the constant flow of people - from the moment the doors opened right through till we left, exhausted, the giant "storecase" in tow - that place was bustling! The area in front of my table was rarely vacant. The crowds majority for the day was wholesome artsy types, with a few handfuls of punks and fellow art lovers thrown in. It was quite interesting to monitor the crowd and see who just came in for a quick boo, and those who floated for hours, revisiting tables many times. I had one young woman who visited my table 3 times, then passed a few more times, sending longing looks toward my "I think like Martha" t-shirt before finally settling on the canvas tote instead.

Overall my magnets and Miss Martha were a major hit! One girl nearly lost it when she saw my Harris poster. She's the first person so far who knew who that image was of. She actually pulled out a brilliant Harris quote of her own. (this is the best I can remember...)

"So what does Judith like for presents Harris?"
"Well Judith is a fan of the scented oils, and quality time with her man"

I threw in a few extra posters for her.

The "figureheads" booklet and calendars were also really well received. The girl at the table next to me tried on one of my wooly warmers and FELL IN LOVE! It was ironic because it was one I was never too proud of while making, the look of the light blue velvet wool never quite worked for me, but I told myself not to worry, someone would love it - how true :)

Overall I am very, very happy with the experience and have my fingers crossed that I can get on the waiting list for the fair on December 6 & 7 at the North Street Church.

Now it's time to do some research and find a few move venues to peddle my wares - wish me luck!


we woke up to what felt like winter
a fine layer of blue frost coating nature
smoke trails coasting around branches
made heavy by the morning

our windshield's small crack came alive
speeding across
creating an uncomfortable arc
joining side to side

we made our way down the neglected highway
we took a wrong turn
after making up some time
we became lost
nearly an hour

one last diversion
moving art in the form of train cars
accepting failed plans with laughter
lightened by all the beauty
we let the winter's day
lead the way


today an orange lady bug joined me for an afternoon of brainstorming followed by a leisurely postering stroll

October 14th, not all it was cracked up to be

Sadly there seems to be no sign of aliens visiting our little plant. Poor Blossom Goodchild, whatever is she going to do now. To top it off Harper is still prime minister - poopy! Nearly 40% of Canadians didn't even bother to vote. Come on now! Just think the influence your vote could have had and you threw it away! I'm so disappointed. So here we are stuck with a government that's going to keep on letting our environment go to hell and keep the rich rich while the rest of us suffer. Oh how great it is to be a Canadian.

poopy, poopy, poopy


a busy week

I've been quite the worker bee this week despite the unusual upsets in my emotional life - oh the joys of mercury retrograde! Even with the communication confusion that brings, I've managed to complete 5 cut-ups this week - 5! One flew out of me today after reading the words of Lady Blossom Goodchild. Holy crap, that is some crazy amazing shit - I so have my fingers crossed that it is all 100% true, oh the excitement of the idea! Look up "October 14th, 2008" or watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFyK2N4RG_o

Election and possible Alien encounter all at once, such joy!

Anyway... I had an awesome work week starting with 2 solid days of pulling weeds, digging up stones and planting bulbs... even planted a tree! That was followed by 2 solid days of cut-ups, interspersed with scarf knitting (I knit 3 scarves!)

I even managed to squeeze in a meeting about a potential animation project that pays homage to one of my teenage icons, the lovely miss Erika Lopez

I've said it before, this has been a fruitful retrograde



While at the rally I took the opportunity to hand out my recent "figureheads" postcard series. I'm thinking of expanding the series to a full 12 month calendar!

Currently you can purchase the initial 4 card set at my etsy shop for the low cost of $5

plug - plug (come on, I'm a starving Artist:)



Pop Explosion - Zine Fair

Come on down and check out a slew of amazing artists!

Rally for the Arts

This afternoon there was a rally for the Arts in downtown Halifax, many artistic leaders in the community came out to express their discontent with Prime Minister Harper and his belittlement of Canadian Artists and his overall lack of support to the world in which I live.

All my life I've grown with the idea that "I was going to be an artist when I grew up!" Well I'm 30 now, and yes I am an Artist, a broke as hell Artist. When I graduated from NSCAD I felt somewhat defeated by the realization of just how difficult it is to be an Artist in Canada. There was just so little funding, and of that there was, it was incredibly sought after by a gaggle of other hungry artist. I was lucky enough to fall into a job in 2-D Animation as a manager... ironically skills I picked up as assistant manger at the local Pizza Hut as a means to get through Art school. The job at the studio was truly an amazing experience, and yes, in the arts... but I wasn't making art. So now, after five years of producing only about 8 -12 pieces a year, I'm back - producing about 8 - 12 a month... and unemployed.

My great hope is that there is a giant shift in politics, and more money is allowed for Arts and Culture. I would love more than anything to actually make my living from the work I'm so passionate to produce. I'm going down a brand new path these days that actually seems to reflect the one I pictured in my head as a child. Part of that vision includes a leader and a country that truly supports and enjoys what I do, who I am and what I have to give. I want to help others like myself explore what it is to create, and not just do what you're told. I've seen so many Artists be forced into the mainstream and get caught up in a "normal life" burying their creativity and replacing it with useless, usually uncontrollable, stress. Yuck, no thanks. That life is just not the life I want to live. I could be accused of living my life smelling the roses. I don't think that's a bad thing, I just wish the rest of you would join me a bit more often.


two steps forward

So far today has been about putting away all things accumulated during my 4+ years at Collideascope. It's been a lengthly transition starting really last January, wrapping up "Delilah and Julius" and "Johnny Test", with hopes of another season of Johnny starting in April. "Jolly Rabbit" dangled its carrot giving hope for a short while, enabling an ebay addiction to pass the time until start-up... but then Johnny got sent somewhere cheaper, and I went on EI because Jolly had also been delayed. The summer was amazingly carefree knowing I was going back to work come September... but then we got the news that Jolly wasn't coming anytime soon. Then the worst news to date, Collideascope was shutting its doors forever, unable to wait... poopy

So after a month of closed doors I've realized it's time for one of those paying jobs. I've actually been going through an intensely productive artistic streak. The freedom of the summer and security of employment led to so many projects. Trouble is, that's been my life for the last 5 months and I'm not sure where to go next. I don't want my artistic flow to be dammed by the constraints of a 9-5. BUT I need to make money... and when you make free public art, that can be a little difficult.

I've been asked to speak at a political science class for a local high school, and do a demonstration for an art class. Both really great opportunities. When I do become gainfully employed once again I must make sure to allot myself more personal time. I have a habit of throwing myself into work and continually postponing my art. I can't allow another drought.


anyone but harper: adventure of the political kind

I'm lucky enough to be auctioning off 4 of my recent political cut-ups in support of the Ross Creek Center for the Arts. (PS my silkscreens were too large so instead I donated 10 sets of my "Figureheads" postcards)

Also there is going to be an art rally Friday 12:30-1:30 in Parade Square, here in Halifax. I'll be there handing out postcards - collect all four!

Come on down and support the Arts in Nova Scotia!

a long time coming

I've recently reprinted a postcard series from 2003 and have been sending random notes to address found in "The Guide to Craft & Art in Nova Scotia 2008"

a whole new wolrd

seeing as the internet seems to be the universal language, I'm accepting that technology is in fact unavoidable in my reality and I must embrace it to reach my full potential

my clings to analogue must not be let go, but better incorporated to the world around me

everything can serve many a purpose

finding new purpose for all that has been left behind intrigues me
beauty is in everything, it's just a frame of mind

what does your mind tell you?

mine says to cut up that old coat and start screen printing