
another great sunny day!

What an exciting day! I started my day with a few cut-ups. One, a portrait of my guru, Beatrice Wood... part of a series I'm now realizing :)

Second I started my image for a project I've begun with my art school partner in crime, and mom to be, Julie Chiasson.

We've started a book that with be mailed around Canada to six participating artist, each contributing a piece done in their own particular style. I of course have done a cut-up as my first piece.

I've been wanting to pay homage to my camel friend for a while now... and today was the perfect day to do so.

I've been working on some new critter designs as well. A camel, of course, a giraffe and a lion. I was so excited about the lion that I had to force myself to stay focused and finish my cut-ups!

The most exciting part of my day so far has been receiving my acceptance letter form Halifax Crafters to participate in their annual spring show in May!

I have so many fun crafts planned!

Now that the temperature is starting to change and the days are about to become longer, I can't get the garden off my mind... and my garden inspired crafts - don't you worry, they'll be coming soon!!!

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