
The many lives of a table

With the remaining prep for the Pretty Things launch party this Saturday at "Love, Me" looking a little less daunting, I thought I'd do something for just me and clean and set up my "new desk".

After years of speculation, Bryan's folks have finally decided to sell their 200 year old family house in Port Williams.  As it turns out I'm seemingly the only one interested in "old" stuff, so over the last month we have accumulated a great deal of furniture and rusty farm equipment.

Included in our inheritance was what the family calls the "rhubarb" table. This piece spent many seasons out in the field, aiding the Woodworth children in their enterpenurial attempts as fruit and veggie salesmen. To me this table is the ultimate chameleon, already living more lives than you, me and the man down the street put together. I hoping it likes it's new home, out of the dirty barn, and into our cozy house.

Now that I've found a spot for one piece, I need to make room for some more because just a wee bit ago, while I was typing the first paragraph of this entry, Bryans folks, sister and nephew all pulled up to drop off the latest batch of goodies - which are now all strewn about the property. Looks like my desk might not get set up today after all... ah, but at least it's clean.

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