
Momma Needs Some Love!

When I was a little girl I would sit on the floor of my Grammy's living room, listening to her country music, eyes closed, watching the smokey light through the plant leaves make rainbow bubbles behind my lids.

This is when I would think.

I thought about dinosaurs and how they've become oil, oil that we pump from deep below the earth's crust, where I imagined giant pockets forming. Pockets that would one day start to crack open, allowing the top layers to crumble and reshape the land.

My father told me once that the area near Sable Island, on the Georges Bank, was once a forest and tropical... and that if something went wrong with where they were drilling for gas, and the fault line opened up, it would heat up and shock the ocean and all the plates would move about... and we'd be tropical again.

I loved this story, and perhaps it's evolved in my mind over the years - but at the time I had a lovely afternoon picturing that event happening, and our little area becoming tropical overnight.

Now that I'm older I'm watching what is going on in our Universe right now, and boy oh boy are things changing. It's a time of rebirth, and nothing make a healthier baby than love, respect and nurturing. I think it's time to start thinking less as humans and more as keepers of this planet. Momma needs our support!

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