
Shop Local, Buy Original!

Halifax Crafters Spring Sale, May 2nd& 3rd at the North St Church (5657 North St at Fuller Terrace) from 11-5pm, Admission is free!

At this much anticipated 4th annual spring show you'll find the always popular recycled tops, jackets and vests of Orphanage Clothing, screen printed shirts by Sherry Lyn Jollymore, dreamy smelling soaps and botanicals from the garden of Osha Mae Soaps, calorie free baked goods sewn and printed by Chantal Doak, hand printed glassware with local street scapes by Kyla Francis, digital watches and other technology felted by Blythe Church, recycled porcelain jewelry by Amy Belanger, wheel-thrown mugs and bowls from members of Turnstile Pottery, and the exquisitely colourful baby clothes of Roisin Fagan to name a few.

Unusual finds and uncommon handmade delights will include:

sweet and savoury food craft, needle felted animals and sculptures, mixed tapes, homemade croissants, feather headpieces, recycled and embroidered clothing, bags and hats, cloth diapers and baby accessories, comics and zines, cards and bookbinding, posters, paintings, silver and gold jewelry, knitting, ceramics, toys, weaving, woodworking, leatherwork, and lots more from over 40 juried vendors who obsess about making things by hand that you are going to want to wear, use and show off every day.

Check out the Halifax Crafters blog at (http://halifaxcrafters.blogspot.com/) for photos of work from participating crafters and of past shows!

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